
Colored Conventions

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The Colored Conventions movement was a series of national and state conventions that called for free and formerly captive African Americans to unite to strive for educational, labor, and legal justice. Thousands of people attended these conventions, including religious leaders, journalists, newspaper editors, educators, and entrepreneurs. Delegates and attendees committed themselves to protesting racial equality and state violence by establishing a committee and political plans, as well as supporting Black newspapers, school education, and community welfare. The Conventions movement helped countless leaders cultivate future leadership while laying a solid foundation for the furtherance of political organizing at the end of the century. More importantly, many Black women stepped out of domestic life and played an irreplaceable role in social participation. The Conventions movement spanned from 1830 until the 1890s. The movement’s enduring influence enhanced the self-identification of African Americans and, even more broadly, all minorities. Simultaneously, the movement more or less contributed to the development of a cultural ethos and national spirit in the United States.
